Friday, February 29, 2008


1. The classic internet browser Netscape Navigator is disappearing for good. I think one of its big problems is that it’s owned by AOL. That’s like a pager company being run by an 8-track company. Or like Hillary Clinton taking over Barack Obama’s campaign.

2. A new scientific study claims that depression is good for you. But I just can’t get excited about it.

3. A new study says that more than one in every hundred adult Americans is in prison - an all-time high. Many Congressmen were upset by the news, because it means they’re going to have to work even harder to keep up.

4. The new prime minister of Kenya has said that he will heal the ethnic hatred in his country by refocusing his peoples’ energy - on hating the United States.

5. An official in Russia has admitted that the media there has not been equal in its coverage of the elections. I don’t know, was it this actual photo of him fishing? [Show photo of Putin fishing with his shirt off and muscles rippling.] Whereas photos of his opponent have tended to look like this? [Show doctored photo of Medvedev in bed with President Bush.]

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