Monday, February 18, 2008


1. Women in Ghana are taking vitamin B12 to increase the size of their asses. However, Dr. Victoria Drake, a professor at Oregon State University, says the only problem that vitamin B12 is known to treat… is a deficiency in vitamin B12. Ghanaian sellers brag that their bottles read: “Made in China”. You know a country has dodgy health standards when “Made in China” is a sign of safety.

2. The European Union made it clear that recognition of Kosovo was not a precedent for separatists elsewhere. Really? Have you looked up the definition of “precedent”?

3. In Italy, police have arrested the leader of one of the world’s biggest organized crime groups. He’s been on the run since the 1980s. 1980s! How do you lead one of the biggest organized crime groups in the world for 20 years, and the police don’t know where you are? It’s like an old Batman TV show.

4. Scientists in Madagascar have found a fossil of a frog that they have named the “frog from hell”. Which is also the name that my aunt called our French neighbor.

5. Officials in Dallas have discovered what might be a transcript of a conversation between Lee Harvey Oswald and his killer, Jack Ruby. Or it might just be a movie script.

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