Saturday, February 16, 2008


1. A 70-year-old woman in England attempted to hold up a post office with a knife. Later, it was revealed that when she first got in line to rob it, she was only 42.

2. President Bush is urging a power-sharing deal in Kenya. “But not too much,” he said. “We saw what that led to in the United States.” Surrounded by the smoking ruins of ethnic violence, Bush said, “I have some experience with one-party rule, and it’s not the way to go.”

3. In India, Maoists have bombed one of the state capitals. Maoists? What century is this again? And in Athens, there was reportedly an attack by Spartans.

4. Iranians are urging the Dutch to ban a film about the Koran. I don’t think they get this whole thing about freedom of speech.

5. Athletes at the Beijing Olympics will be allowed to blog. They will not be allowed to post any video of the games themselves, though. Orgies are optional.

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