Tuesday, November 27, 2007


1. Priests in Cyprus are praying for divine intervention to stop a drought. But isn’t the drought divine intervention? God seems to be intervening to kill you off. What do you think is going to change that?

2. Pakistan’s President Musharraf has now given up his army uniform. This was considered a crucial moment in Pakistani politics, since the president had not taken off his clothes in five years. The uniform has been officially classified by the United Nations as a chemical weapon, and Pakistan risked sanctions if Musharraf didn’t send it to the laundry.

3. More riots in Paris yesterday, continuing France’s policy of “Anything America Can Do, We Can Do Better!” Yeah, we’ll show you Yankees how to have an inner city riot!

4. Norman Mailer was recently awarded a prize for the worst description of sex in a work of fiction, narrowly beating out “The Collected Love Letters of Dick Cheney”. Cheney’s work won a special prize, however, for the most disturbing.

5. A judge in Niagara Falls was fined because he jailed an entire courtroom audience when no one would admit owning a ringing cell phone. However, the fine was balanced by a huge prize from the National Association of People Who Just Want Some Goddamn Quiet.

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