Monday, November 26, 2007


1. Murders in New York City are on track to be the lowest-ever since they started keeping track. Either that, or people are getting way better at hiding the bodies.

2. A lot of people are blaming mathematicians at financial firms for the sub-prime mortgage crisis. Apparently, the mathematicians were unable to understand that if Freddy has zero apple trees, and you loan him 100,000 apples, he probably can’t pay you back.

3. An ancient Roman road map is now on display. The rest stops on the map are only for food and lodging, because back then, gas was pretty much the same as food.

4. A beauty pageant contestant in Puerto Rico had her clothes covered with pepper spray. Then police discovered the pepper spray was to keep fetishists from stealing her clothes.

5. A court in Saudi Arabia sentenced a woman to 200 lashes and six months in prison, after she was gang-raped. The White House officially said the sentence was “astounding”. I’m not sure why, since you got tutored by one of Saudi Arabia’s princes.

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