Thursday, December 6, 2007


1. The founder of Wikipedia has, surprisingly, come out in favor of students being able to cite Wikipedia. Teachers who don’t allow it are “dumbass educators”. Wait, actually the correct quote was “bad educators”. I got “dumbass educators” off of Wikipedia.

2. The CIA revealed that it destroyed two videos of the interrogation of al-Qaeda suspects. At first, foul play was suspected, but actually, they just accidentally used the tapes for the annual Christmas party. They also taped over the end of the Redskins/Patriots game, which means heads are going to roll. No, not literally roll, since the CIA doesn’t do that sort of thing. Anymore.

3. Cancer tests around the world have been delayed, because a Canadian nuclear reactor that helps make them has been shut down. Great, they can shut down Canadian reactors, but not North Korean ones.

4. The president of France is going to help mediate between the Colombian government and rebels, after Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez quit and suspended ties with Colombia. Are we going to see another Freedom Fries event?

5. Anthropologists in Italy have unearthed a skeleton that is believed to show evidence of tuberculosis 500,000 years ago. It is the third fastest correct diagnosis of TB in history.

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